Sunday 1 December 2013

Corporate culture at dell

Corporate culture is the behavior in which humans who are part of an organization and what the meaning is connecting the employees and their actions toward one another. culture also includes the organization values, norms, working language, systems, symbols, beliefs and habits.

Del's culture strives when the employees really live it. Dell set standards for how they define themselves as inventors and business people, and then they set goals for how they want to grow. Dell's employee doesn't just help define their employees, but the employees live those values and standard.

The corporate culture at dell follow the home country standard, USA. Therefore the employees at dell must be able to speak English at the workplace.  The atmosphere is also similar to that of the USA, this includes the corporate culture to maintain convergence on any procedures. There is a "soul of dell" which effectively communicate the strategy that employees have in order for them to be at the top of the market place. First and foremost, the most important thing is the customers. Not only does dell provide a great product at an affordable price, but also one of the best customer service. The dell team, emphasizes in dell's teamwork. This aspect involves Hofstadter's dimension of collectivism appose to individualism. Also Dell's commitment to direct relationships. This includes responding to customers as fast as possible by avoiding any inefficiencies. Next is Dell commitment to being a global citizen. This includes respecting all laws of the country and cultures, and values in the region they are in.

"Corporate Culture." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Nov. 2013. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. <>.

"Experiencing Our Culture." Dell. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. <>.

"Dell Corporate Culture." Dell Corporate Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. <‎>.

Motivation for the future

Long ago people thought that it was money that motivated people to do more work, they also thought due to " experts" saying that light will effect the output of the workers, they put more lighting in factories in order to improve their output. But after they hired workers and paid more attention to their needs and to them personally, they found out it wasn't money or lights that effected their output but rather the attention you gave them.

Dell motivates their employees by ensuring there is a positive working environment, fostering teamwork, providing learning and growth opportunities. To ensure that there is a positive working environment, Dell wants you to report any internal conflicts or office conflicts that is creating an unpleasant workplace , because you are the only one that can fix it. The fact that the employee listened and acted will be a sign that you want to make the workplace a positive workplace.Making sure that you have a mission statement ant that the employees at dell understand what their roles are is important to the overall success of Dell. When the employees are bored with their job at Dell, it's easy to see it on their faces. You can notice it and so do the customers. When Dell first interview their employees for the job, dell takes time to ask about their area of interest. In order to make them less likely to get bored on the job

"Dell Small Business 360 - Motivate Your Employees." Dell Official Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. <>.
"Michael Dell Shares Lessons on Getting Motivation for Success." YouTube. YouTube, 02 May 2013. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. <>.